+ de critères

Comités et contacts

FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ONF - RTM

Comité de direction


  • Maria Patek  
    Head of Division IV/5                                                            
    Torrent and Avalanche Control Service                                                                             
    Environment and Water Economy
    Stubenring 1                                                                          
    A-1012 Vienna
    Tél. ++43 1 711 00 – 7335
    E-mail : maria.patek@lebensministerium.at   


  • Eero Kubin  
    Customer Manager, Professor
    Finnish Forest Research Institute (Metla)
    Oulu Unit
    PO Box 413
    FI-90014 University of Oulu
    Tel. +358 50 391 3710 (Mobile)
    E-mail : eero.kubin@metla.fi

  • Olivier Marco

    Head of the technical  Department – RTM actions
    Office National des Forêts
    Direction de l'Environnement et des Risques Naturels
    Direction Technique Nationale RTM
    Representing the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry  (MAAF)
    Hôtel des Administrations - 9, Quai Créqui
    F- 38026 Grenoble - France

    Tél. 0033 476 86 39 78
    Fax 0033 476 87 48 53
    E-mail : olivier.marco@onf.fr

  • Edward Pierzgalski  
    Head, Division of Management of Water Resources
    Forest Research Institute

    Tél. +48 22 71 50 532
    E-mail : e.pierzgalski@ibles.waw.pl  


  • Matej Schwarz  
    Chairman EFC Working Party on the
    Management of Mountain Watersheds
    National Forest Centre
    T. G. Masaryka 22
    960 92 Zvolen

    Tél. +421 45 5314 135
    E-mail : schwarz@nlcsk.org


  • Ismail Belen  
    General Director Assistant
    General Directorate of Forestry, Turkey
    Gazi - Ankara

    Tél. +90 506 222 48 19
    Fax +90 312 296 41 83
    E-mail : ismailbelen@ogm.gov.tr


  • Thomas Hofer   
    Thomas Hofer
    Forestry Officer (Forest Conservation and Hydrology)
    Secretary EFC Working Party on the
    Management of Mountain Watersheds
    Forestry Department
    UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
    Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
    I-00100 Rome

    Tél. ++39 06 5705-3191
    Fax ++39 06 5705-5137
    E-mail : thomas.hofer@fao.org

Comité d'organisation


  • Achim Kress

    Watershed Management and Mountains,
    Mountain Forests
    Forest Assessment, Management and Conservation Division, Forestry Department
    Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
    Viale delle Terme di Caracalla - 00153 Rome, Italy

    Tel. +39 06 570-55135
    E-mail : Achim.Kress@fao.org

  • Hans Grafinger

    Watershed Management and Mountains,
    Disaster and Risk Management
    Forest Assessment, Management and Conservation Division, Forestry Department
    Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
    Viale delle Terme di Caracalla - 00153 Rome, Italy

    Tel. +39 06 570-54577
    E-mail : Johann.Grafinger@fao.org

Office national des forêts
Direction de l'environnement et des risques naturels

  • Alison Evans

    Ingénieur géologue, chargée de missions
    Office national des forêts
    Service RTM
    6, avenue de France - 74000 Annecy - France

    Tél. 0033 450 23 84 05
    Fax 0033 450 23 83 95
    E-mail : alison.evans@onf.fr

  • Yann Quefféléan

    Expert national hydraulique torrentiel
    Office national des forêts
    Direction de l'environnement et des risques naturels
    Direction technique nationale RTM - Antenne de GAP
    5 rue des Silos - 05000 Gap - France

    Tél. 0033 492 53 19 63
    Fax 0033 492 53 19 87
    E-mail : yann.queffelean@onf.fr

  • Ingrid Boncompain

    Chargée de missions dispositifs
    Office national des forêts
    Direction de l'environnement et des risques naturels
    Direction technique nationale RTM
    Hôtel des Administrations - 9, Quai Créqui - 38026 Grenoble - France

    Tél. 0033 476 86 39 87
    Fax 0033 476 87 48 53
    E-mail : ingrid.boncompain@onf.fr

  • Philippe Bouvet

    Chef de service RTM
    Office national des forêts
    Service RTM des Hautes-Alpes
    5 rue des Silos - 05000 Gap - France

    Tél. 0033 492 53 19 63
    Fax 0033 492 53 19 87
    E-mail : philippe.bouvet@onf.fr