29th session of the working party

Welcome to the 29th session of the working party on management of mountain watersheds of the european forestry commission of FAO.
Since 1950 this working party, created by the E.F.C., has met regularly every other year. Initially the principal matters under consideration were the management of the watersheds in upland areas and protection from avalanche risks (1950-60). Over time, the working party has increasingly taken into consideration matters relating to agriculture and the regional socio-economic context (1960-70). From the end of the 1970's, environmental issues have had an ever increasing influence on this working party's discussions. Moreover, the international dimensions to this work have been extended to countries outside Europe.
The Seminar will take place from the 3rd to the 5th September, 2013.
- Day 1 : 3rd September, 2013. Opening of the session. After the welcome addresses the day will be dedicated to the Report on inter-sessional activities following the 28th Session of the Working Party and Study Papers, presented by speakers invited by France, on the Central Theme : natural disaster risk management in mountain areas.
- Day 2 : 4th September, 2013. The national reports from member countries and observer reports will be presented during the day. As a main topic, the reorganization process and the modus operandi of the Working Party MMW will be under discussion. Among other points, the election of the members of the steering committee of the WP will take place, the date and place of the 30th Session will be discussed as well as the presence of the WP at the 37th Session of the EFC. Closing of the 29th Session
- Day 3 : 5th September, 2013. Reserved for a study tour which will take the participants just the other side of the border, in Italy and then back into the Valley of the Guisane. . The several stopping points on this tour will allow the participants to observe protective works , areas that have been surveyed and mapped as being exposed to natural risks, as well as forests with a protective function,...
We look forward to welcoming you in the department of the Hautes-Alpes, in September 2013 !